Sell Your Photos
Selling your photography on iSnap2 is as easy as uploading, and every time someone buys your photography, you get paid. All you need to do is use our app (available on Android and iTunes) to upload your photography—we will even take care of the tedium of finding the right keywords!
Why else should you choose iSnap2? It’s pretty simple:
- You make 50% commissions every time your photo is sold
- You retain full copyright as sole proprietor of all your images
- Uploading your photographs to iSnap2 is free, and you choose what to share through us
- Make more money with creative and unique your photography and get an “Xtra” sign to command higher prices
- Our pricing is simple:
- €15 for web use (€29 for Xtra photos)
- €99 for print use (€149 for Xtra photos)
We do have some rules, most of which are commonsense—and designed to protect both iSnap2 and your rights, while maintaining our community’s high standard and reputation:
- No images featuring content subject to copyright and trademark protection, including logos
- No offensive images, including racist and vulgar images that will cause offense
- No low resolution images—our automatic system spits out anything with less than 1 megapixel resolution
- No low quality images—our community supports photography that shows technical skill, a unique image along with a creative eye.
Get started and join iSnap2 today!